LDInc loves Canva!

Marketing, especially social media campaigning, is such an important tool for small business and nonprofits like Learning Dynamics, Inc. However, in a smaller and growing agency like LDInc, hiring staff with expertise or who...


Woosah on the 405

I don’t know about you, but I spend a lot of time in my car. Driving to and from work in our Southern California and Kern County offices, other appointments, errands, etc., I often...


Quickie Couple Communication Technique

Adulting is time-consuming. Whether it be the daily grind of the job, children and related responsibilities, meeting other family demands, or just trying to get a workout in, our lives are in constant motion....


Minority Mental Health Month

Stress is something we all experience. I am pretty sure I am not alone in being able to think of a time when my stress levels were so high it was hard to stay...


¡Bienvenidos a nuestro blog!

  Bienvenidos al blog de Learning Dynamics, Inc- nombrado LDI HEALs. HEALs es el acrónimo de los valores fundamentales de nuestra agencia- H para la palabra “hope” que en ingles refiere a esperanza; E...


Welcome to Our Blog!

  Welcome to the Learning Dynamics, Inc. Blog – “LDI HEALs.” H.E.A.L. stands for the pillars of our agency’s mission and values: Hope, Empower, Achieve, and Learn. It is our “HOPE” that we are...