Author: Lizeth Lopez


2e: Twice Exceptional

Twice exceptional, also known as “2e,” students are intellectually gifted but also have underlying learning challenges. Though they are really bright and appear advanced, these students have problems in other areas. This includes attention...


Reflect, refocus, resolve for a HAPPY New Year

What’s your favorite holiday? When asked that question, you may expect to hear Christmas, Thanksgiving, or even 4th of July. Often, people are surprised when my response is New Years, followed by a “really,...


Accommodation Testing Explained

My child needs something called accommodation testing! This is what we hear from many worried parents who call our office seeking testing for their children. Schools refer families when their children have struggled with...


From Confusion to Clarity: Free Testing Consultation

Learning Dynamics’s Community Connections will be hosting FREE presentations in our Bakersfield location to help families seeking more information about testing and assessment. “From Confusion to Clarity” will help understanding of psychological and neuropsychological...


Avoid Avoidance

Avoidance is powerful- it might feel effective in the moment, but ends up costing you a lot more in the end. Think of a situation you may have delayed, put off, or avoided altogether...


Winter Weather Travel Bag

Winter weather is here and when you are driving long distances, it’s important to be prepared with a winter weather travel bag. With offices in Southern (Woodland Hills) and Central (Bakersfield) California, along with...